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Oakley's YouVs campaign

Oakley YouV campaign

Approached initially by Bigballs to work on the iOS-optimised version of Oakley's YouVs campaign, we were subsequently commissioned the entire Flash redevelopment too. Bigballs wanted to create a "super personalised" gaming experience featuring custom-video, world class athletes such as Mark Cavendish and Rory McIlroy and capturing the brand's high-end production values.

Developed in Flash/AS3 and HTML5/JS (for iOS devices), the result is a slick engaging online competition. The site integrates with the user's Facebook profile and incorporates their personal data within live video. The campaigns for Mark Cavendish and Rory McIlroy are now live, with another 3 athletes to go over the coming months.

The results?

2 million visits to
Facebook fans increased 131% from 44,000 to 102,000
'Campaign of the Month' - New Media Age

Oakley's YouVs campaign

Oakley's YouVs campaign

iOS-optimisation and Flash redevelopment of Oakley's YouVs campaign


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