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Helping Heroes Campaign: Testimonial Ads
Earth Island Institute is a non-profit organization that has a unique role among non-profits supporting environmentally oriented projects. They offer administrative support in the form of office space, equipment like desks and computers; advice on start ups, processing grants, tax and payroll; and like-minded people with advice when needed. This speculative campaign is finalized with three print ads targeting 20 to 30 year old students or recent grads suggesting that they are heroes saving the world and Earth Island Institute will support them.
Simply saying that "We Mend Your Cape" means we will take care of you while "You are saving the world" and "we can help". The red headline and byline connect with color, the typography is comic book-like, and the blue "We can help" leads to the Earth Island Institute logo and website. The image is simple, the composition clean.
By emphasizing "Are you busy saving the world?" the viewer is immediately reminded of the super hero concept and the bat cave. Female super heroes were used in two of the three ads because women, especially students, are often reluctant to act on ideas. They need succour especially. The concept of man-cave leading to bat cave and the hero to save the world called for the male super hero in this ad!
Our female super hero in this ad is strong and in control of her world, but not beyond getting help with the details. Even Batman had Alfred.
The initial concepts explored three different voices: That of Earth Island Institute offering help to the hero saving the world; a recent grad who would like to do more; and a student overwhelmed by the paperwork involved in getting a project off the ground.
It was decided that succour for the super hero was the most interesting and appealing concept and the campaign of three one sheet print ads was conceived. The campaign was unified in design and approach. An extended campaign might explore other situations like the overwhelmed environmentalist finding herself adrift in the result of global warming and an emphasis on the concept of Hero Help.


Even Super Heroes Need Help--- Month Seven of the Masters of Fine Art Media Design at Full Sail University was a time to review and revise projec Read More
