Zach Williams's profile

Social Media Work/Involvement

Social Media 
Client work / Personal use

Rhode Island Small Business Development Center (RISBDC) Facebook and Foursquare

I acted as the social media coordinator for RISBDC. I managed, monitored, reported, and posted. 
During my time coordinating I was able to increase fans by 45% and monthly total reach by 158%. 
I also created a Foursquare location so that clients and staff could check into the office and all of their friends and followers could see where they were and extend brand awareness.
RISBDC Fan Landing Page
RISBDC Timeline/ Recommendations/ Likes
RISBDC Facebook Analytics 
RISBDC Foursquare page
Capital Tanning- Facebook and Twitter

As a class project in Social Media and Internet Marketing, we had to find a small business that we would implement a short internet marketing campaign utilizing social media channels. 
The social media plan we developed was for a Valentine's Day campaign.
Our team was able to streamline the clients messages by using social listening tools and software. 
While managing the campaign we increased Facebook fans to over 2,000 and also created a Twitter account for the client.
Capital Tanning Facebook Fan Landing Page
Capital Tanning Twitter Account
Personal Social Media Presence

I maintain social media accounts on all of the top social media channels and also particiate in new and up and coming sites. I want to stay on the cutting edge of the technology. I also monitor my influence using these sites by using Google Alerts and Klout.

Personal Facebook
Personal Twitter
Personal Google+ Account
Personal Linkedin
Personal Social Media influence as measured by
Social Media Work/Involvement

Social Media Work/Involvement

Various social media projects as well as personal social media usage.


Creative Fields