I wanted to try shooting cats in the same way that I would shoot people, in a studio, nicely lit, looking cool. I always imagine balck cats as just a blkack shape with big glowing eyes, so wanted to shoot Nishi like this, emerging from the dark with just her huge yellow eyes visible. I set up a softbox directly behind my head, set to a low power, to relect the light back from her eyes but not light her black fur too much.
The lighting worked well, but Nishi was NOT interested in doing a photoshoot. Despite the use of catnip spray, treats, toys and pleading I only managed to shoot 3 frames of her in position, after doing some test shots and getting the lighting right. Luckily this was one of the 3 frames, and was pretty much exactly the image I had had in my head.


I always imagine balck cats as just a blkack shape with big glowing eyes, so wanted to shoot Nishi like this, emerging from the dark with just he Read More
