Michael Fowler's profile

Hire|Ed Webinar Series

Hire|Ed is a professional development webinar program and long term content marketing campaign that offers educational content for HR professionals and small business owners – Validity’s main target audience.
•  Provides an avenue for lead generation
•  Generates content for social channels
•  Adds value to client relationships
•  Promotes the organization as a thought leader
My Role
I was the owner of this project and responsible for all aspects of its strategy and execution. I had support from a graphic design specialist and marketing
Brand Development and Management
High Value Content
A major draw to the webinars is the re-certification credit received for attending. The program is accredited through the Society of Human Resources Management (SHRM) and the Human Resources Certification Institute (HRCI). While the
Effective Lead Generation Tool
When done right, professional development content is a powerful lead generation tool. Why? Educational webinars offer something that a target audience values and seeks. 
Engaging with a webinar does not have the same perceived commitment as other forms of gated content. Contact information is captured easily, because registration pages don’t invoke the same apprehension as other forms of “gated” content like an eBook behind a contact form.
(1) Create a program that provides high quality content from both internal and external speakers
(2) Use webinars registration pages to capture new leads
(3) Create a program that provides high quality content from both internal and external speakers Keep leads in webinar nurture pool until they engage with content that indicates alignment with one of Validity’s core products
(4) Once lead indicates interest, place in appropriate automation lead scoring funnel
(5) Once pre-determined score is met, information passed to sales for follow up

“Spotlight” Webinars
Webinars that have a direct product alignment receive a LinkedIn advertising budget to help attract additional outside leads.
Event Marketing and Management
Categories: Content Marketing, Email Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Pay-Per-Click Advertising, Lead Generation, Lead Scoring, Sales Funnels, Client Engagement
Resources: MailChimp ESP, NetSuite CRM, GoToWebinar, YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter, WordPress, OptInMonster, Microsoft Office Suite, Adobe Creative Suite
Hire|Ed Webinar Series

Hire|Ed Webinar Series

Professional development webinar program that I developed and manage.


Creative Fields