For the inauguration of the new City Hall of Montpellier, designed by Jean Nouvel and François Fontès, I co-directed twelve trailers to animate screens in the building.
The idea was to immerse the spectator in the city and introduce the new building. The New York Times recently elected Montpellier among 45 sites to visit in the world in 2012. 
This video is a special edit to share the best shots from the twelve films.

Client : Mairie de Montpellier
Producer : IEC
Directors / Editors : Ness (Aurélien Ronceray Peslin) and Nicolas Villeneuve.

Drone shots : Pygmee Prod
Crane shots : Byar Prod
Camera Operator : Jean Del Guidice
Documentalist : Annie Barthe
Archives of Montpellier
Music : Mumford And Sons - The Cave



A l'occasion de l'inauguration du nouvel Hotel de ville de Montpellier créé par les architectes Jean Nouvel et François Fontès, nous avons réalis Read More
