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Social Media Marketing Project - Murad Skincare Inc.

The overall channel strategy that we are proposing for Murad is to improve their content and increase customer engagement on their social media platforms. The three platforms that we chose to improve are YouTube, Facebook and Snapchat. As a group, we thought that these platforms either lacked creative content, engagement or even both.
Our goal would be to gain at least 50 shares and 500 hundred likes on each post. To be able to do so, first of all there will be more posts should focus on tips or knowledge that are more useful for people to share to their friends. Posting more eye catching pictures can draw more attention to people on timeline page and attract them to like the posts. Another way is call to action. By suggesting people to share or like by saying “click like or share if you agree” can increase more people to act on it. With the latest Facebook like button update, there are more emotions that people can choose from instead of just liking the posts. The call the action posts will suggest people to share their emotions to be able to see what the brand should be marketing to.
The ultimate goal for the YouTube platform is to increase subscribers from 2,132 to 4,000 and get at least 2,000 views on each video. All in all, YouTube is a great platform for Murad to share how-tos, benefits and advice about their products. With the right type of exposure, content and some interactive giveaways, Murad’s YouTube will be on its way to being a skincare brand with an effective and highly developed YouTube presence.
We want to be consistent for Murad to be on Snapchat by making concepts for their weekly contents. Every week we will be  posting simple, fun and informative content about Murad; skincare, diet, health, lifestyle, q&a and motivation. We will also post sneak peeks of our Snapchat content on our other social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram to promote our Snapchat account and make the viewers curious. How we will engage with the customers on Snapchat is by using Q&A’s and contest on that platform so we will be more connected with them and they feel like they are a part of Murad’s family.
The Murad app allows consumer to easily browse through all the Murad collections. By using this app, consumers will be getting the most out of Murad’s brand personality. Consumer will be able to browse blog posts on the go, get the latest update about new product releases, easily browse products according to collection: concern, travel kits, best sellers, and offers, and most importantly, every customer will have their own personalized profile with recommended products that fit their unique skin.
Social Media Marketing Project - Murad Skincare Inc.

Social Media Marketing Project - Murad Skincare Inc.

Social Media marketing project for Murad Skincare Inc.


Creative Fields