Katie Mclean's profile

Week 5: Comic Strip

My comic strip depicts the character watching the zombie apocalypse show 'The Walking Dead' and then proceeding to freak out and start preparing for a real life zombie invasion. This weeks task had to somehow be based off something in your life, and whilst I don't board up my windows whenever I watch 'The Walking Dead' I do start planning what I would do if the events in the show happened to me. I also wanted to create a comic strip that had an element of humour in it, because apart from comics about Superheroes I believe that the best comics are ones that include humour in them. I was particularly inspired by the comic seen at the link below because it involved 3D stick figures and I found the comic really funny.  http://www.rsquaredcomicz.com/2013/07/23/introducing-comic-strips-from-christian-comic-creator-steve-crespo-cell-phone-part-1/

I struggled with coming up with the idea for my comic as I couldn't remember an event or thing that I do that would translate well to a comic. I also struggled with how comic designs have to be simple yet very complex in what they're meant to portray, I found that I would put too much detail in and it would lose the feeling that it was a comic strip. I also struggled with depicting movements in a still image such as closing the curtains. 

To create this image I drew it on paper initially then scanned it onto my computer and created the final product using Adobe Illustrator. 

Week 5: Comic Strip

Week 5: Comic Strip
