Jayne Bradd's profile

Self Promotion: Jayne Bradd

My self-promotion features a vector drawn self-portrait on a CD cover with the words “Never Judge a Book by its Cover - You Might Miss Something Amazing Inside” to create the illusion of a solo artist music album. This style provides i) a visual identity and ii) highlights my interest in music as well as design, while installing a sense of curiosity though the phrase on the cover. This concept further enables me to use the CD package to assemble compact promotional materials that include my work in digital form and through the sleeve which contains a hard copy of my CV (in an impressive, architectural squash book design) on one side and simultaneously features portfolio highlights on the reverse.

​​​​​​​I have written my name to mirror my handwriting to communicate a friendly, welcoming identity that captures my personality through graphology and used colour to amplify my character. Yellow promotes enthusiasm, positivity and creativity while white adds a clean, soft, contemporary contrast with Kraft brown illustrating my appreciation for the environment.

The promotion materials feature my logo as a strong pattern which subtly enhances the logo without being intrusive on the materials and adds creativity and colour to make the logo a positive influence on the design, more than just a branded mark. The pattern is sometimes inverted to embrace diversity and the materials are presented to avoid clutter; the CV uses iconography to communicate my skill set, the letterhead uses minimal colour on the front to allow the letter to serve its purpose without distraction and the business card is minimal, presenting only essential information to let my work speaks for itself.

Self Promotion: Jayne Bradd

Self Promotion: Jayne Bradd

My self-promotional materials
