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Clown Fish in an anemone

This was an assigmnet given in my digital graphics with Illustrator class my second semester at Parsons. The assignment was to take something hand drawn and turn it into a vector image. I wanted to showcase this project because it features several different techniques that I can use in Adobe Illustrator.
I started with a quick sketch of a clown fish.
Using Illustrator's Image Trace tool i turned my fish into a vector image. After embedding the trace I removed the background that was made from tracing the paper. (Grey background added to show the fill of the fish)
Next I added some life to my fish by using the Pen tool. Playing with colors and gradients here is my completed fish.
Last is my completed project. Using the Pen to create the shape around the tenticles and using a Clipping Mask I made my simple hand drawn fish pop out of his anemone!
Clown Fish in an anemone

Clown Fish in an anemone

Clipping Mask Assignment


Creative Fields