Sandra Kleinwechter's profile

Land of the poets and thinker

„Excellent! I see a lot of portfolios, but this work is outstanding!“
Stefan Sagmeister,
Sagmeister & Walsch, Industry expert,
Illustrate a series of poets, thinkers or authors for an event poster series of the "Akademie für gesprochenes Wort", who often create lectures and events around living or dead authors. Free choice of authors, genres and technique.
Instead of just portrait the author, the illustration tries to interprete the person's character or work within a detail to set the portrait apart from classic portraiture.
In the end the series would be used on Postcards, posters and online promotion. Always with the focus on the speciality of the bespoken author. The postcards become collectible items, as the technique show a red line without leaving the impression of every authors uniqueness out of the game.
Hemingway becomes the man from the sea. 
Sartre becomes a Dandy because of his view on women.
Nietzsche becomes a Punk to symbolise his rebellion of conventional thinking. 
Hemingway as man and the sea.
Jean-Paul Sartre as Dandy because of his very special view on women.
Friedrich Nietzsche as Punk because of his rebellion.
Max Goldt as mischivious satirist that he is.
Vladimir Kaminer, the russian.
Serdar Semoncu, the most snappy author in Germany.
Land of the poets and thinker

Land of the poets and thinker

Illustration series of famous authors - with a twist.


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