This is my senior project that I worked on in college. I worked with a team of nine people for the length of a school year(August - May), making a game from start to finish and having it published on an online store.
 I worked on the team as the 3D modeler and texturer, creating and designing the environmental debris, asteroids, health and data canisters, and other objects that fit in with the lore and environment. I worked closely with our artists, engineers, and designers to help make the game look the best that it could and have a unified art style.
If you want to download the game, it is availible for free on the windows store to download( you will need to have windows 10 on your computer).
The link to the windows store page.
Below is some screenshots of gameplay, 3D art assets, and trailer of our game.
The metal textures for the turbine are from the Yughues metal texture pack on the unity store. 
The metal textures were from the Yughues metal texture pack on the unity store
DIVE Starpath

DIVE Starpath

A game my team and I made and published for our senior project.
