Head shot retouching
Professional head shot retouching, male
"Before" shot:
"After" shot:
Professional head shot retouching, female
"Before" shot:
"After" shot:
Product shot retouching
Operating room "cleanups" for medical/surgical device brochures.
Clients frequently wanted to use shots of their products after they have "gone live" in an operating room or other facility. Frequently these shots will have clutter in them that the client wants removed, such as extra wires, competitors' equipment, etc. that they ask me to remove from the shot. 
OR shot - remove wires and plugs from the wall, in order to maintain a perception of organization and cleanliness.
"Before" shot:
"After" shot:
Medical device product shot
The IV pumps in the picture were shot without any lines, and I was asked to add lines to the system to make the shot appear more realistic. Later on I was asked to update the product itself to reflect changes in the basic design/appearance.

Original shot:
Lines added:
Updates made to the design of the overall product (right side)
Medical product shot - Scrub sinks
I was asked to removed the mirror and the subsequent reflections of the room in the background to reduce the "noise" in the image and allow the viewer to focus their attention on the product.

"Before" shot:
"After" shot:
Photo Retouching

Photo Retouching

Photo retouching projects for prefessional head shots and product photography


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