Electric Daisy Carnival: Las Vegas - 2016 | 20th Anniversary
This is an unofficial promotional image for this three day event held in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Designed By: David "DJB0Y3000" Bermillo III
Tool(s) Used: Photoshop CS6
A long time ago, there were many planets and galaxies that sustained life. Each planet beautifully unique; from art to architecture, from music to fashion, every planet had something special to offer. But not everything nor everyone had personalities that matched the beauty of the planet they lived on. Many of these planets were homes to groups of individuals who were shunned by their own species. These individuals thought differently; they were curious, free-spirited, and didn't want to conform to their planetary norms. So, they didn't.
One night these groups decided to take off to create a planet of their own. Through some research they found a large body of water floating through what we now call, The Milkyway Galaxy. For these groups this was their new home. They all set off with their hearts set on this body of water, leaving behind friends and family to create a new environment that accepted everyone and everything.
One by one, these groups began to land and settle on this body of water, and all began to share their unique art and traditions with one another. Soon enough these groups were no longer different, and they all considered themselves to be the same species. They called themselves, "humans," and this new planet was called, "Earth."
Once a year these humans come together celebrate life, love, and individuality. This three night celebration consists of wearing unique costumes, playing dance music, and sharing memories all under the Electric Sky. Before humans, there were different species of people, and before Earth, there was the EDSea.
EDC made it's debut in Los Angeles, California back in 1997. This event started out as a single stage event with only a few thousand attendees, but as each year passed, the event kept returning and kept growing. From moving to larger venues to accommodate the increasing number of attendees, to adding more stages to allow for more variety in music, the Electric Daisy Carnival has seen substantial growth over the past 19 years.
In June, 2016 EDC will return to Las Vegas, Nevada to celebrate it's 20th anniversary.
Insomniac Events and its founder Pasquale Rotella, along with thousands of headliners, will witness an event unlike anything ever witnessed before! Night owls from across the globe will reunite together under the Electric Sky, and the world will see how far the underground rave scene has come and what kind of community the rave scene really is.
Welcome home headliners!
This is an unofficial promotional image for Electric Daisy Carnival Las Vegas 2016. I am simply a fan of the event and none of the information on this image was confirmed by Insomniac Events or Pasquale Rotella.


Inspired by the way EDC connects people around the world together, I wanted to create a project that embodies that idea of coming together to cel Read More
