The story behind this editorial is interesting...I and Diviana (The beautiful model) got together and we thought we should create something thats a little edgy and different. We themed the shoot - Neon - and went for some jazzy make-up and lighting setup. On the day of the shoot, we tried out different changes of clothes etc for the different looks. Once we were done with the planned shots, we had some time left to try out some funky stuff. I had these then plastic wraps which I had gotten to use as gels on the lights - its a different matter we didn't end up using them on the lights - but I thought how would it be if we used it as a dress instead. Thats what we did and we came out with rather cool shots and made it to the cover of BeauNU magazine's Neon issue in January this year. The same editorial also got published in Obscurae magazine in their January edition as well.
Here are the tear sheets from the magazines...
And the shots from the whole series...
Neon Editorial

Neon Editorial

Editorial Fashion Shoot themed Neon
