I just had an article written on me me in ASK MEN magazine. It was a fun look at my journey from small town artist and cartoonist to LA living, political pop artist. Exclusively for the article I was able to create a fun, yet damning series of art on our smart phone culture called iCONSUME. It's a social commentary about the self absorbed narcissism that has grown from the usage of the smart phone camera and the social networks that propagate its use. You can read the article here and see the art below:
iHOE: Everyone knows a few of these girls who constantly like to show you their asses in pictures on a daily basis. You know that girl in her bathroom, posing in the mirror and you can see her aquanet, curling iron, box of tampons and kitty litter in the background.
iZONEOUT: He's that bearded bro with the man bun, and the skinny jeans at the party zoning out on his phone ignoring the world around him and the life that is right in front of his eyes, getting his digital fix of social commentary on Facebook instead.
iLOVEME: You know this girl. She wants to show you her new clothes, her food, her cleavage and her puckered duck lips in every picture she takes. In return she wants you to feed her appetite for commentary that supports her ego and uplifts her fragile self esteem that rests solely upon her looks.
iBRO: You know this guy. He's always taking pictures in the gym. He thinks the world cares about his every move and he wants to make you aware of how hard he trains and how hot he is. He's got a a six pack of abs on his stomach but the skull is empty. He's a BRO, he drinks Bud Light to stay lean and mean and his Instagram feed is his Zen Garden.


A series of art focused on the iPHONE and SOCIAL MEDIA called iCONSUME.
