Shaantanu Kulkarni's profile

Traversing Bhutan- A Hidden Jewel

Photographs of landscapes,architecture & culture from The Land of the Thunder Dragons,a beautifully untouched kingdom nestled in the Himalaya.
Below,the Paro airport that leaves each person fascinating right when the airplane wheels touch the ground.
As if the quaint unexpected wonderful airport that sits right in the Paro valley wasn't enough to amaze me as the tiny aircraft was welcomed by the mountains,this view immediately afterwards left me pondering as to how much more beautiful can this kingdom get.
Oh,I had know idea.
Heading towards Thimphu,the capital as hills playing hosts to numerous houses and temples chase us till the end.
Traditional gates built with Bhutanese flair
Traversing Bhutan- A Hidden Jewel

Traversing Bhutan- A Hidden Jewel

Photographs from a visit to Bhutan in May '15,road tripping through gorgeous valleys,traversing quaint towns & distinctively beautiful cities whi Read More
