Oliver Mcandrew's profile

Drawing for Concept Artists (Props and Still Life)

This was brief one for my Drawing for Concept Artists module in University. These four briefs challenged my ability to produce really fast sketchs and in turn take what was an original everyday object or thing and design something new from it.
Scavenged item re-used in a post-apocalyptic world: The type apocalypse itself is up to you, but the post-apocalyptic world in which this item now exists has no electrical power or other standard amenities we take for granted. Resources are tight, and found objects are scavenged by the remaining survivors and used in whichever ways they seem useful. 
Quick Sketchs:
The first task was to complete fast observational studies of still life objects. These drawings would range from 3 minutes to 30 minutes.
Fast 3 minute sketchs of a still life that was set up. The saddle was a 5 minute sketch.
Mediums used: Pencil, Graphite stick and Pro makers
Longer studies of a different still life and cars at university.
Mediums used: Pencil, Graphite stick.
Mark Making and Observational Drawings:
We were then asked to further explore the brief and use a range of mediums to push us out of our comfort zone. It also meant we could discover new ways communicating a drawing through different mark making.
Observational Drawings from life.
The damaged well used lamp as done with pen and pencil. The keyboard was done with promarkers.
Observational drawings from life.
Rubix cude was done using pen and water colour. The manikin was doen with pencil.
Observational drawings from life.
The teddy bear was done with soft tonal pastels on black paper. The toy gun was done with soft colour pastels.

Development Work:
We then had to take an object from the original still life and redesign it into a post-apocolyic item which someone could use.
I decided to choose the steps as my item. First ideas where a toliet, seesaw, plow and and telescope stand.
Further develop I moved onto the stairs being inversed and used as a cot for a baby with two old tyres so it could rock.
Finally I settled on the idea that used the steps, cone and toy gun. While you might capture rain water in a large drum outside it made sense to have easy accessible water indoors. My redesign is a water dispencer with the gun tweeked so when you push the trigger water is free to run.

Orthographic View:
My design from different angles.
Final Design:
This is my final design. Marks and rust have set in as the object has been scavenged also parts of the wood are missing. To the right is the object in use and close ups inbetween.
Fully painted in Photoshop no photos.
Drawing for Concept Artists (Props and Still Life)

Drawing for Concept Artists (Props and Still Life)

Brief one for our drawing for concept art module.


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