"Now to say you wouldn't care when you want something is a dangerous thing..." The Storyteller - Hans My Hedgehog
"And so the boy who set forth to learn what fear was, learned it at home. And he married his sweetheart, with her name and all and never left again. Mr. McKay told me that story a long time ago when I was very young and I didn't know the half of it." The Storyteller - Fearnot
"When people told themselves their past with stories, explained their present with stories, foretold the future with stories, the best place by the fire was kept for..." The Storyteller.
"Yesterday, I was telling a marvelous tale of how the moon became round. And suddenly, as I reached the best bit, I couldn't remember what came next. I still can't. And staring at these expectant faces, I thought, what will I do when there are no more stories in me? When the well runs dry? What use is a storyteller without stories? And then I remembered a time when that was exactly what happened." The Storyteller - A Story Short
"See, observe this pond. Deep, you'd say, and you'd be right. Depth aplenty. Drain it. Drain it with your spoon. And if I be recurring and find a drop of water, If I so much as get my bootsy wet, Heaven help me." The Storyteller - The True Bride 


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