This piece is based on the theme "Film", using our mannequin as the machine that distributes and edits.
Product Styling: this concept was derived from a glamorous and chic table top display, showing off the merchandise in a new and creative way.
Photo Styling: This interior styling shoot was focused around majority white decor, with a feminine and glamorous influence.
Environmental Design: These renderings are a new approach on a living area on the hit show Gossip Girl.
Interior Renderings: These hand sketches are all different perspectives on interior styling.
Event Coordinating: An after party event for the hit motion picture Into The Woods.
Editorial Layout Design: Magazine Covers conceptualizing two magazines
Conceptual Design: Selena Gomez, Love Will Remember music video scene concepts.
Set Design: Small scale set design of the original Hairspray Movie.
Styling Portfolio

Styling Portfolio

Portfolio of Styling concepts and designs
