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save water save lives

The aim of this project was to promote awareness, education and concern for water conservation. The primary objective was to create a poster campaign that would raise awareness and connect with the viewer, making them care about the issue.
Living in an affluent society, like Canada, people often take basic, necessary resources, for granted. Although water is renewable, this does not mean it is unlimited. The growing population of the world, coupled with rising levels of pollution, leads to higher expenses in filtering poor water quality, making it ever more difficult to meet the heightened demand for clean freshwater. As an industrialized nation, especially one that holds 20% of the world’s freshwater resources, it is our responsibility to be leaders in working towards a solution.
The idea behind the poster ‘save water, save lives’ was using the metaphor of comparing the body of a tree
to the human body: water to a tree, as blood is to a human. In the image the tree is seen to be receiving a “water transfusion,” in the same way a human who has lost too much blood would receive a blood transfusion. 
The hospital element helped to communicate the idea of the earth as sick and in need, speaking to the environmental impact, as well as adding a connecting element, relating the tree to a person in need. Comparing humans and nature serves as a reminder to people of how interconnected we are, of how
important water is, not just to us, to every living thing on this planet.
alternate photographic poster idea no.1 for water conservation campaign. Slogan: "just out of reach" 
alternate photographic poster idea no.2 for water conservation campaign. Slogan:  "would you miss it?"
Text-based campaign 
For this project I also created concepts that were entirely text based.Although I did not choose them for the final product here are some of the variations I played with. One of the ideas I was especially interested in was the mistake people make in assuming that because water is renewable, it is infinite. A few other ideas I toyed with were the idea of water as representing life and looking at how long the human body can survive without water, (5 days). 
save water save lives

save water save lives

The aim of this project was to promote awareness, education and concern for water conservation. The primary objective was to create a poster camp Read More
