Creative Brief Client: Essie
Why does our client need to advertise?
In order to become a bigger name within the fashion industry, increase market share.
What is the advertising going to accomplish?
Current advertising is almost non-existent and doesn’t support its positioning as a high fashion brand. Increase brand awareness in order to increase sales.
Who are we going to connect with?
Essie is primarily targeted towards trendy women in the ages of 15-35 years old. These people value natural, good quality products and a lot of colors to choose from. They enjoy luxury and fashion. Middle-class financial situation.
What are the most insightful things we know about the consumer?
Women associate Essie with classic, soft and understated looks - not high fashion, confidence or trendiness.
What is the single most effective message we can tell this consumer?
Chic and elegant, for the picky ones.
What else is there to know that supports this message?
Essie is a well-known authentic brand and has estimated yearly sales at $35.5 billion, primarily through retail and drugstore sales but also through beauty saloons. Tone/feel: Fun, sociable, fashionable, cheeky. 


Student work for "Ideation for campaigns"
