Kevin Botka's profile

Backpacking Wilderness

This is my first project for Mograph Mentor.  The assigment was 'Designing for a Theme.'
I picked 'Backcountry Wilderness.'  I really enjoy the outdoors and have backpacked all over California and Washington.  During the summer of 2013, I had the opportunity to thru-hike the John Muir Trail, a 211 mile stretch from Yosemite National Park to Mt. Whitney, the hightest peak in the contiguous United States.
My mentor is Ryan Summers who spent time working at Imaginary Forces.  He challenged me to focus on composition and creating a specific mood.  With these frames, I tried to convey the contrast of Brutality vs. Serene.
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Backpacking Wilderness

Backpacking Wilderness

This is my 'Designing for a Theme' project for Mograph Mentor.
