Sabrina Saffer's profile

Screen Printing Designs

Players on a Field of Women
* Players have a dual meaning: these figures are both players in a game of football and players as in permiscuous men
* The field pattern is created out of women's silhouettes layered on top of one another and then colored green. This is why the field is "a field of women."  These players are "playing the field." 
* These players include Bill Clinton, Russel Brand, Justin Beiber, Charlie Sheen, and of course, Hugh Hefner 
Troy Palamalu With Poodles in his Hair
* When I see Troy Polamalu's shiny mane swinging about on head and shoulders commercials, all I can think is how great a poodle would look with a "Troy Polamalu ' coat. So I decided to make it happen. I intertwined poodle faces in Troy's hair to create a pattern to screen print and here it is.
Troy Polomalu with Poodles in His Hair
The screen print in action
Troy Palamalu
I liked Troy on his own as well so I decided to see what I could do with him
Abe Lincoln with Joe Montana's Body
Part of the "Presidential Dream Team" collection: President's head's with correlating athletes bodies. Correlation based upon #. Abe was the 16th president and Montana is # 16
Andrew Jackson + Carmello Anthony
Presidential Dream Team Collection
Michael Jordan and Benjamin Harrison
Benjamin Harrison + Michael Jordan
Presidential Dream Team Collection
Nixon X Shaun Alexander
Kanye Compass: North, South, East, Kanye
Teddy Roosevelt Teddy Bear
Bills on Bills
Bill Clinton on $ bills 
Screen Printing Designs

Screen Printing Designs

Screen Printing Designs. Primarily sports inspired


Creative Fields