Branding college assignment
The company name is 'The Bestminton Academy'. Using the 'best' instead of 'bad', to form 'Bestminton'. Meaning that the best badminton academy.
I'll using a hand and racket to form a shuttlecock. It is a shape of raising hand when the badminton players smash. 'TBA' is the initial of the company name. The color that I choose are contrast which is deep blue, orange and white. Orange can bring out energetic feel and deep blue can represent academic. Badminton is a fastest racquet sport, some of the serif of the font will be sharp, to bring out a feeling of high-speed.
I have apply typography design on the slogan. I have using the shuttlecock,raising hand and badminton player as my design element to cope with the slogan. This design can in order to allow people to see at a glance is badminton poster. The color that will use is corporate color which are deep blue , orange and white.

The company logo will put at the top right corner and the other company information will put at the bottom.The image and slogan will be at the center, it is the dominant point of the poster. 
Beside,  is the example to let people visualize.
This is the toilet signboard design for the company. Using shuttlecock to represent women and the racket will represent man. Beside,  is the example to let people visualize.


This is my college assignment. The title that I choose is Spot academy, therefore I choose badminton for this assignment.
