We’ve journeyed so far, and we’ve traveled so long. Finally, our arrival at the Sweet Kingdom has come! 
We’ve followed the path, the only way that’s right; To arrive at Sweet Kingdom with unending delight. 
There’s plenty to have in this Sweet Kingdom of joy, So we’ve kept inviting every girl and boy. 
The land is covered with such delightful things, We hurry to see what the Sweet Kingdom brings. 
There’s a chocolate river that seems to be living. It comes from the throne of the King who’s so giving. 
His palace glistens atop the mountain, And excitement bubbles just like a fountain. 
All are lit from the glorious sun; Finally, our arrival at the Sweet Kingdom has come! 
QuietYell™ Illustration: 
With a passion for illustration, target audiences span children-to-adults and female-to-male, and illustrative styles cover graphical and iconographic up to full, texturally rendered paintings. 
Sweet Arrival

Sweet Arrival

Fantasy-adventure, confectionary poster illustration
