Flare!  Chickadee coming in for a landing!  Drect painting; no drawing, just brush and pigment.  Sold at Pipts of Saratoga, an upscale home interior design store in Saratoga Springs, NY
Great Blue Heron.  Another direct painitng, ths one sold to a collector in Louisianna.
Leo was inspired by an animal ambassador at the York Center for Wildlife.  Leo is unable to be released back to the wild so he has a job of helping the staff educate visitors about wild animals.  This piece also sold at Pipits of Saratoga.
Mockingbird was my very fist attempt at a direct painting.  The challenge is getting the gesture of a person, place or thing in the first stroke or application of pigment with the brush.  No pre-drawing.  I love the challnege of capturing the essence of a subject this way.  It doesn't always happen wth the first try....you'll see this in some later works.  This piece sold to the director of a wildlife sanctuary in MA.
Quiescent was imspired by a family camping trip to Lake Umbagog in northern NH.  As a family we made this trip several times.  My daughter loved going there.  The quietness and remote camping were welcomed by all three of us.  Paddling and swimming were favorites, too.  Quiescent sold to a collector in NH.
Least Sandpiper (sold through Travel & Nature in Exeter, NH) comes from a photograph I took when living in CA.  I love the pose and expression!
Great Horned Owl 2 recently sold at a charity auction.  It is one of three versions painted of this species.
Snowy Egret 2 is available through Elizabeth Stuart Design, a beautiful, upscale home interior design shop with two locations in the Charleston, SC area.
Spotting Something! is also available through Elizabeth Stuart Design!  In fact, they have about ten of my works on hand.
Yellow-crowned Night Heron represents one of my best efforts in direct painting.  It sold to a collector in NH.
Grasshopper Hunt spent seven months at Trident Gallery in Gloucester, MA before the gallery owner purcahsed it as a gift for a close friend's wedding!
2013 Works

2013 Works

PRACTICE! This portfolio represents my effort in applying skills learned in the previous two years. It's an exploration in finding my voice with Read More
