Katie Ponder - Selected Portfolio
On graduating from Falmouth with a 1st class with honours degree in illustration, Katie was the winner of the ‘AOI Book Award for New Talent’. Katie has developed a unique style that is both fresh and contemporary, referencing art deco with a touch of gothic inspiration as well as ballet, tarot cards, mythology and patchwork quilts; key sources of inspiration behind Katie’s work.
Although developed digitally, Katie applies hand made textures developed from printing, collage and media experiments, creating a rich and tactile look to her images. Recently, Katie has enjoyed experimenting with screen printing and making limited edition prints .     
Katie’s list of clients include: Dorling Kindersley, Penguin, Simon and Schuster, Oh Comely Magazine, Glyndebourne, Canterbury Cathedral and her work has been exhibited at Somerset House. 
See more of Katie's work here.
Katie Ponder Portfolio


Katie Ponder Portfolio
