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"Nailing It" 24-page brochure project

24-page brochure project:
"Nailing It! A Beginner's Guide to Manicures at Home"
project statement
“Nailing It! A Beginner’s Guide on Manicures at Home” informs readers how to do their nails, including nail care, how to paint, and beginner’s nail art tips and tricks. In this project, a 24-page brochure unfolds a passionate topic of the designer’s. After 8 years of learning how to do nail art, this interest is the designer’s hobby, and he is also actively part of the nail community on Instagram. This project aims to create a brochure by using research to write content and use supporting imagery to effectively inform the chosen audience. 

Because the designer has had a lot of understanding and practice, describing steps, providing tips, and organizing information became easy. Naturally, there is a ton of content. Although the amount of body copy successfully describes everything one may need to know, sometimes the blocks of text overwhelm the reader and must be broken up further. Imagery plays a crucial role in balancing the heavy amount of information on a spread. Each spread displays the perfect balance of imagery to pair with relevant, detailed information. The designer took all the pictures except 5, showing off their nails to highlight and exemplify specific details about the content. If images are not enough, illustrations come to the rescue. Specifically, illustrations successfully visually communicate the examples of shapes of natural nails, as well as diagram a map of the nail with some important terms. 

Flowy blobs of color in each layout construct interesting and unique spreads to captivate the reader and keep their attention. The brochure as a whole has different and jumpable sections to allow the reader to skim and find where they find themselves the most engaged in the content. When used to the designer’s advantage, focusing on the clean use of columns instills a sense of stability, security, and consistency in the reader. 

The primary colors in this brochure are light pink, purple, lime green, and soft yellow, which are used as the primary colors in each section. These colors provide variety through each section and are based on the pastel rainbow. The overall color story of this brochure moves from cutesy colors to refreshing, new, and risky as the reader continues. When enlarged for titles, the typeface Superior Title in bold feels clean yet dynamic. Ball terminals give a particular flow that makes the reader think it is fluid and malleable like the nail polish spilling on the page. Because of steep brackets, each letter is precise but does not feel forcefully present. The typeface Indivisible in regular weight is a thin, round sans serif with open counters. It is easily readable, so it is great for body copy. 

Overall, Nailing It encourages a colorful and descriptive experience of learning to care for one’s nails engagingly through this brochure. Once you give “Nailing It!” a flip-through, you’ll practically be a pro!
Above: After my research and as I was in the process of writing my copy, I developed an outline of how sections of my copy were going to look divided into spreads, including imagining what other kinds of content would pair with the copy. 
about the project copy
Since this was a passionate topic for me, I wrote a ton of copy for this brochure. In the end, I wrote over 4,600 words for the entire brochure copy. Below is the back cover summary to help frame an idea of the brochure: 

Discover your inner artist.
Ever wonder how you can do your own nails at home for cheaper? Find out the tips and tricks to how nail artists are painting nails perfectly. Find out how to take care of your natural nails, beat daily unwanted habits, and form new ones. Simple nail art can become second nature to you, and you can have an arsenal of tools and manicures to off to your friends or just as a self-care ritual for yourself. Follow along with guided steps on how to paint your nails, for beginners!
Above: After my research, writing my copy, and outline, I developed some thumbnails, including spread layouts, divider pages, sample flowy blob patterns, and edits made along the way. In this written version, there are 28 pages, or 13 spreads and front/back covers. On the right are some possible re-designs for spreads 8 and 9, or pages 16-19.
version no.1
Above: Version No.1 brochure spreads 1-4, not including the cover.
While getting started in my first renditions of this brochure, I established a color scheme of pink and purple with these swooshes or “blobs“ in the background. I also got started with my illustrations that I did and general layout.
version no.2
Above: Version No.2 brochure spreads 1-7 and the front cover. 
As I started to get going with more spreads, I started to realize I needed more of a balance between imagery and illustration. I thought my cover was cute, but I need to draw in the audience by somehow using a real image of a hand or nail art on the cover, rather than an illustrated diagram. Based on my feedback, I need to keep in mind some consistency and spacing issues. The blobs in the background are also starting to take over and take command, whereas they should stand as a visual appeal to complement the copy and allow it to shine. Some fine-tuning and smoothing out of most lines of the blobs will help command visual balance, as well as removing some additional blobs when possible.
version no.3
Above: Version No.3 brochure complete with all spreads (1-11) and the front/back covers.
The front cover is in its final version, but the last spread (pages 22-23) is incomplete, as well as the back cover. In this rendition, the imagery is starting to complete the look and feel of these spreads, and the brochure is starting to really come alive. The biggest problem spots in need for improvement during this version were paragraph breaks and divider page imagery.
spread progression
Above: As in usual fashion, I enjoy giving a look-see into the progression of the versions.
As a highlight, the very first spread (pages 2-3) of the brochure shows off the most change from Version Nos.1-4, including the final version. Notice changes regarding color, shape, imagery, minimizing background "blob" usage, paragraph breaks, and spacing.
final version
Above: The final version of the "Nailing It! A Beginner's Guide to Manicures at Home" brochure project.
"Nailing It" 24-page brochure project


"Nailing It" 24-page brochure project
