Just a personal project that came on after i had watched Rise of the Apes. I did researches on apes, monkeys and gorillas, it was very interesting, this is just a glimpse, i have more in my mind to put on vector that will come along as soon as i can. :-)
All were done directly in Illustrator CS6.
I had a quite precise idea of what i was going to do and what shapes i was going to use.
I never trace my sketches(because i found that a bit boring even knowing that  it's a time saver) and mostly a challenge that i like to give to myself to let spontaneity coming
along creativity.
This was my first try but i flt like the curvy eyebrows shapes didn't match the geometrical overall shapes.
Revision 02
Final, i wasn't sure to use gradient...i love using gradient effect. But it's difficult for me to resist....haha
Just throwing ideas without too much details..
This is a final that use 3 hours 1/2 to draw. I don't like it very much due to too many shapes. So i simplified it . As you can see below, it took me 1hour to simplify. These 2 are final.
Stay tuned, more top come soon . Thank you for watching.
Thanks to MIke Delsing for his free poster mockup.



Personal Apes/Monkeys Character design
