Powering Up Recovery: AnonymArcade App
Welcome to the AnonymArcade App project, where innovation meets compassion regarding addiction recovery. The mission is to provide a supportive and engaging platform for individuals struggling with addiction or in recovery. Through a combination of quick-paced games, personalized features, and community support, AnonymArcade aims to fill idle time and prevent relapse, ultimately empowering users on their journey to sobriety.
Throughout the development process of AnonymArcade, a strong emphasis was placed on conducting extensive research and user testing. The goal has been to create a comprehensive tool that can effectively support individuals in addiction recovery. In order to achieve this objective, interviews were conducted with individuals who have been through recovery, which have provided valuable feedback about the challenges faced and the features and functionalities that would be most helpful to the intended users. Moreover, user feedback was the main course to refine and improve the app's design and functionality. This research-driven approach has facilitated the creation of an app that is not only engaging and fun but also a friendly tool for addiction recovery support.
AnonymArcade is a platform meticulously crafted with the user in mind, aiming to fill small "bored" times in the day of individuals on the journey of sobriety, offering engaging activities that divert their attention from past behaviours and provide a healthy outlet for enjoyment. Guided by user feedback and extensive usability testing, the platform prioritizes clarity, accessibility, and a user-centric design approach. Significant improvements have been made to enhance navigation, simplifying user interactions and expanding filter options to facilitate ease of use. Clear and concise language, along with intuitive visual cues, guides users seamlessly throughout the platform.
The design choices for AnonymArcade were purposeful, tailored to the needs of its target audience. The simplicity and intuitiveness of the design were deliberate, aiming to provide a stress-free experience that avoids overwhelming users. Given addiction's nature as an escape route, the design prioritizes ease of use to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience.

In terms of colour, purple was selected for the game colourization, symbolizing sobriety, a choice inspired by the United States National Recovery Month. Additionally, green, purple's complementary colour, was chosen as the app's main colour to complement the overarching theme and maintain visual harmony. The logo design draws inspiration from AA chips, with the star replacing the triangle and incorporating the colours representative of different stages of recovery. These design choices aim to reinforce the app's core values and provide users with a visually appealing and supportive environment, creating an experience that encourages users to embark on their journey with confidence and optimism in their power to start a new chapter.
AnonymArcade App


AnonymArcade App
