As my client upgraded to a spacious apartment in bustling Casablanca, they craved a total interior transformation while if possible, maintaining the apartment's original layout, he provided me with a sketch to the apartment layout along with ideas of his preferred design style and his household needs. He wanted a new classical design with wood work and calm earthy colours, a guest room,  living room, main bedroom, kids bedroom, main bathroom, a kitchen rework,  and a laundry room.
After several  ideas, designs, and solutions we end up the sketches and renders you see, and booth I and the Client are happy with the result. Some of the solutions we implemented include:
- To separate the entry way from the guest room without narrowing the space we used wood columns and a simple carpet.
- The client wanted a custom-made tv-stand, and wanted to see it in the 3d so I modelled it for him, and a team member later mad it for him.
- In the old design the kitchen was too small to be used, to fix that we extended the length of the wall  behind the sink
- To deal with the column in the kitchen we mad an astatic move by designing an open glass cabins next to the oven cabins
- To Combined the Kitchen and the laundry room duo to the small space, and to no break the astatic of the kitchen we made enclosure cabinets for booth the watching machine and drying machine along with the refrigerator
- The old bathroom was a square space with unstable ill designed shape, we changed the location of the toilet so it is no longer facing door, we made 6cm walls to separate the shower from the sink and to create space for it, and we made frosted glass wall next to toilet to not make the bath space feel closed.
Note that all the changes where made in the design where executed by our team in the client apartment.
Apartment Deisgn


Apartment Deisgn
