Illustration, Research, Graphic Design
For this school project, I had to visualize information on the topic of budgeting -wisely. 

Visually convey information on creating and sustaining a budget in a concise yet evocative manner.

Solution + process
Through an iterative process, I transitioned from broad, generic tips to more specific and applicable steps tailored for the target audience—college-aged young adults seeking greater financial mindfulness and struggling with saving money. The chosen color scheme, grounded in research, incorporates vibrant colors known to appeal to a younger audience. Purple suggests wealth, while pink conveys youth and freshness. Legibility was a key consideration, and I ensured the best color combination for adequate reading contrast. 
Moreover, thanks to comprehensive peer reviews, I identified elements such as copy or illustrations that were unclear and addressed them to optimize the poster with concise language and optimal hierarchy. By creating characters with different looks, I aimed for inclusivity in the representation of my design, making it more personal for the viewer. The chosen typeface is an easy-to-read sans-serif, offering a fresh, modern, and, therefore, current and relevant appearance. 
Budget Infographic


Budget Infographic
