Workshops Poster for the Mac Lab - Brigham Young University-Idaho
I will show the process of designing in Adobe Illustrator a Poster to advertise the workshop events that will be held in the Mac Lab during Winter semester 2024. This write-up includes the design variations, the drafts, changes, updates, feedback received from other designers, coworkers, my boss, and the final Poster.  
This task was assigned to me because they wanted something different from previous semesters and they wanted like a Graffiti style poster. 
The information that I had to include were the Mac lab's room number, each workshop, their date, and time, and a QR code and link to the events calendar.
The Mac Lab has a branding style and a color guide for its designs and logos. I decided to use those colors so that it feels it belongs to the Mac Lab even when the poster's style was different this time.
You will see now a lot of variations for this poster but each one has different colors, elements, alignments, or small details that I changed based on the feedback received from my peers. I will include some of the feedback received and the solutions I came up with. 
Feedback from Bailey Stafford (Graphic Designer)
I would probably choose a different font other than a serif for the body copy just because we want it to look more edgy and cool than timeless and elegant. I LOVE the title type and the effects on it. Specifically, the color pallette is headed in the right direction but try to keep away from white text on a black background because it strains the eyes. I also think it would be fun to throw more arbitrary colors in other than blue & orange.  The type in the box about when the workshops needs to be more noticeable and readable. I really like where this is headed and I'm excited to see how it improves!

Feedback from Allison Blankenship (Graphic Designer-Team Leader)
Type: I second Bailey, I would def explore some sans serifs for the workshop info and push the colors a little more. I really like the direction! 
Using cubes as bullet points kills their movement and flattens the space again. Try working with a big, medium, and small cube and play with them going off the edges and receding into the background to get that motion and depth of space back. Using them as bullets just isn't quite working here.
Don't forget to make the design elements work around the type! The workshop titles, date, time, and location are the most important things and should be easy to find and read.
I really like the direction this is going and I'm excited to see where it ends up!

Feedback from Rebecca Dorny (Mac Lab Supervisor)
Just a couple of minor notes:
"Intro To 3D Printing" for the first workshop
"Beginner Coding" for that title
"Poster Design" instead of Illustrator Posters
"Beginner Robotics" instead of Robotics
"Intro to 3D Printing" instead of Cami or Tyler
Instead of "Room 364", can we change it to "MCK 364" so people know which building these are in?
I noticed that I really liked the green text and the yellow text too, so I came up with the solution to use both, you will se in the final design how I decided to do it but in these two designs you can see how I started to introduce both. I also created the spray paint element so that it gives more the vibe of graffiti, I also thought that there was not a reson to have a cube there. 
Final Poster 
I included the BYU-I logo and how long the posters would be hanging in the university buildings. 
These posters were printed and hanged in all the buildings at Brigham Young University-Idaho so that 20,000 students could see the events that the Mac Lab offers each semester.
Workshops Poster


Workshops Poster
