Randall Cruz's profile

Website for steelcomplements.com.mx

Website Redesign Proposal
Design of a new home page and e-commerce page for steelcomplements.com.mx

Objective: create a prototype e-shop that focuses on providing a user-friendly and efficient online shopping experience for steel complement products. The target audience for this e-shop is customers who are interested in purchasing smaller quantities of these products, as opposed to the average clientele of the company. The project aimed to be customer-centric, emphasizing a quicker and easier shopping process tailored to the needs of this specific segment. Additionally, it served as the final project for the individual's certification in user interface from the California Institute of the Arts (CalArts).

See the design process here

NOTE: The final user interface (UI) was translated into English solely for compatibility with an English-speaking audience on Behance.

If you like my work and would like a call, please contact me at rcc622@gmail.com 
I would be happy to collaborate with you! 

LinkedIn @randall-cruz

Do not forget to appreciate my work :)

Website for steelcomplements.com.mx


Website for steelcomplements.com.mx
