Farwa Hafeez's profile

Hungerbite UI/UX Case Study

Hunger Bite
Welcome! 🖐️

"I am currently engaged in UI/UX projects. Today, I am thrilled to share the details of the Hunger Bite case study with you."
Project overview:

Hunger Bite revolutionizes the fast food ordering experience. Tailor your taste with personalized flavors, enjoy the convenience of real-time order tracking, and redefine your dining experience through this innovative app. With Hunger Bite, it's not just fast food – it's fast food, your way. Explore a diverse menu, receive timely updates, and savor a customized culinary journey right at your fingertips.
Design Process
Understanding the User 🧑‍🤝‍🧑
User Research

I employed primary research methods, conducting interviews with potential users. Prior to the interviews, I assumed that people could easily understand “how to order food through a mobile app”. However, post-interview findings revealed that many of them encounter numerous problems and pain points during the food ordering process.
Interviews Questions:
- Can you share a recent experience where you felt frustrated or stressed while using a food delivery app?
- When deciding to order food online, what factors or emotions influence your choice?
- Are there any moments in your daily routine when you find it challenging to use a food delivery app?
- If you could design the perfect food delivery app tailored to your needs, what features or improvements would be the top priorities?
User Journey Map:
Pain Points:
Define 🎯
User story
Alex is a busy professional who needs a convenient food ordering solution because, amidst his hectic schedule, he often faces exhaustion, making it challenging to prepare meals.
Goal statement
Our goal at Hunger Bite is to let users effortlessly customize their food orders, which will positively impact their overall dining experience. By providing a seamless and personalized ordering process, we aim to enhance user satisfaction and engagement. We will measure effectiveness by tracking user feedback, order completion rates, and overall app usage metrics.
Basic User Flow
Ideate 💡
Information Architecture
Paper wireframes
Prototype 🤳
Testing ✔️
Usability study:
I have conducted user testing for my app using an unmoderated method. In this approach, I selected five participants from diverse groups and asked them to perform specific tasks within their comfort zones. I recorded their actions and reactions, closely observing their interactions with the app. This method allowed for a more natural and unbiased assessment of user experiences, as participants were free to navigate the tasks independently, providing valuable insights into the app's usability and user-friendliness.
- Some participants include working individuals, students, and older adults, while others are frequent food orders.
Visual Design 💻
High-Fidelity Mockups
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Hungerbite UI/UX Case Study


Hungerbite UI/UX Case Study
