夢想動畫 MOONSHINE's profile

ASUS Republic of Gamers: The Age of Gamers 多個擁有者 •

ASUS Republic of Gamers: The Age of Gamers
The Age of Gamers 是夢想動畫為 ASUS 旗下品牌 ROG 製作的第三支形象影片。以 Cyberpunk 風格之角色動畫,展現品牌的精神與態度。影片中包含建築招牌、海報等,隱含了經典 Cyberpunk 之經典符碼。預設在近未來的場景,讓故事中的衝突與對抗,更顯得精彩刺激。

The Age of Gamers is the latest and also the third brand video MoonShine collaborated with ASUS. We utilized character animation to demonstrate the unstoppable attitude of the client, ASUS Republic of Gamers (ROG). ASUS ROG and MoonShine chose cyberpunk as the style of the whole video. Therefore, not only the buildings but also plenty of posters and neon signs contained classic sci-fi books or movies' titles. With the futuristic settings, the fighting scenes that main characters and the badass conflicted against each other become more exciting and entertaining.

ASUS Republic of Gamers: The Age of Gamers 多個擁有者 •

ASUS Republic of Gamers: The Age of Gamers 多個擁有者 •
