Task:  Develop a logo in a font style for a flower salon.  The target audience is men and women who come for premium quality bouquets. Display the logo on printed materials, website.


Solution:  The logo for the premium flower salon incorporates a font-based design to reflect its brand identity. The chosen font style exudes sophistication and elegance, complementing the upscale clientele it targets. The use of a simple yet refined color palette, such as neutral tones or pastel shades, enhances the luxurious feel of the logo. It is vital that the logo looks equally impressive on printed materials as well as on the website to ensure consistent branding across various touchpoints. With the additional context "FLORISTRY STUDIO," the logo should aim to capture the essence of a high-end floristry studio, offering premium floral arrangements and services. The logo should convey a sense of artistry, professionalism, and quality to resonate with both male and female customers seeking exquisite floral products.

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DUSHA. Logo design


DUSHA. Logo design
