René Retief's profile

Self-Promotional Design & Collateral

Self-Promotional Design & Collateral

For this project, we had to curate our own corporate identity in a manner that reflects our personal voice as a graphic designer. 
The challenge is to promote your unique traits in a manner that will persuade potential employers to hire you.

Promotional material for my corporate brand, The Tiny Pocket

The Context
The project is centered on the themes of self-promotion and branding in the graphic design industry and it emphasizes the importance of cultivating an unique public image. The overall context revolves around the need for clear and consistent branding to distinguish oneself from competitors and to enhance public awareness. For this project, I found it essential to recognize the trademarks that set me apart from other designers and to build on these strengths.

Digital mock-up of business card

Flat layout of business card (Front & Back)​​​​​​​

The Client, Audience & Communication Goal
The client refers to me, a resourceful graphic design student who strives to create innovative designs without relying on expensive equipment. The brand name that I selected is "The Tiny Pocket", since I strive to find affordable design solutions that literally put the money back in your pocket. The target audience is potential employers in South Africa who are seeking creative and unconventional designers for their companies, especially those on a strict budget but in need of of fresh ideas. The communication goal is to persuade employers that hiring me as a graphic designer would be financially beneficial, since I am more than capable of providing creative and economic design solutions.

Alternative business card in the form of a MacBook Pro

The Strategy
The strategy was to promote myself to potential employers in a manner that reflects my unique and economic work style. My aim was to communicate that I will be an asset for their company, since I work "savvy" while reaching design solutions. They need to know that I will make use of their resources diligently. go about the company's expenses frugally and ultimately save them money.

Pattern design and its implementation on a paper jet (promotional item)

The Concept
To inform potential employers that I am a thrifty designer that always finds cheaper, affordable, creative and alternative ways to solve problems by introducing them to the various design hacks that I make use of on a daily basis. For example, recycling paper, printing in black and white, utilizing more affordable design software, working with free fonts and signing up for free trials. I am not only promoting myself as a “thrifty” designer, but I am advocating to businesses that being a “cheapskate” can indeed be very beneficial.

Flat layout of promotional coaster​​​​​​​

The Media & Visual Strategy
The aim of this project was to position me, the designer, as a valuable and cost-conscious asset in the design industry. 
By creating vector-based depictions of the “tricks” that I have up my sleeve, I show potential employers that I am innovative, 
whilst creating budget-friendly designs.

Self-Promotional Design & Collateral

Self-Promotional Design & Collateral
