0802 H's profile

"虚拟辐射花园" Virtual Radiant Garden


New Exhibition Trailer "Virtual Radiant Garden"
The 'virtual radiation garden' is not only an art exhibition, but also a secret social action., A project that awakens your awareness and emotional resonance towards the issue of nuclear pollution. We will integrate the practical issues of nuclear pollution in the coming decades into every corner, from college buildings, playgrounds, canteens, dormitories, to public areas, etc. Through artistic works, we will present the profound impact of nuclear pollution on our world.
The urgency of the background is triggered by the issue of nuclear contaminated water discharge from the Fukushima nuclear power plant, and Tokyo Electric Power Company plans to discharge approximately 1.3 million tons of nuclear contaminated water into the sea in the coming years.
To highlight the global impact of nuclear pollution, we have selected a plant from each continent and presented it as a visual representation for the exhibition. This is not just an explanation of the global impact of nuclear pollution, but rather an emphasis on its impact on every human being and the entire world.
We deliberately keep a low profile, not through hype, but by randomly refreshing invitation cards in random locations, guiding you to inadvertently enter this exhibition. We hope that this mystery can arouse your curiosity and evoke your awareness and emotional resonance towards the issue of nuclear pollution.
Our goal is to stimulate empathy and resonate with the issue of nuclear pollution. We are well aware that young people are the new forces in society, taking on the responsibility of shaping the future. Through this exhibition, we hope to inspire everyone's emotional mission, trigger profound thinking, and have a firm belief in environmental protection.
"虚拟辐射花园" Virtual Radiant Garden

"虚拟辐射花园" Virtual Radiant Garden
