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Camouflage in the work place

Camouflage in the work place
Jie Xu
There is a lot of fake sentiment, flattery, and pretense these days. Young folks who have just left college and are getting set to start working don't know how to hide who they are. Their feelings are all surface-level, but they must fit in with this fake society as quickly as possible. However, they lack the emotional self-control to even grin at their obnoxious boss.
Following investigation, the mask's reflective materials were chosen in accordance with the chameleon's ability to alter its body color to match the hue of its surroundings. To create a skin tone that is appropriate for the surroundings, pigment cells in the skin are either concentrated or scattered depending on the light, temperature, and humidity levels. The chameleon developed this mask to conceal its identity and to quickly transition between vibrant colors and effective defensive hues while offering passive thermal protection.
Five distinct colors of wire, wool, and organza are used to create the mask. This material, which consists mostly of five cellophane pieces, may reflect on the surrounding material and display the user's response in various circumstances. The five distinct hues also depict the chameleon's condition in various settings.
Picture retrieved from Xiao Hongshu.
User Persona
This mask is suitable for those who want to disguise themselves in a crowd.
An example is given below.

Mask Purpose
In modern society, everyone has a different face to different people and gradually gets lost in this false society, losing their original selves. In order to disguise themselves, they wear this mask and hide in the crowd.
This mask represents how young individuals who have recently joined society have seemingly adapted to their surroundings, but deep down, they are unhappy with their peers and the social structure.
The basic material for the mask was a yellow kraft paper bag; the head was completely covered, the eyes were created using markers, and other features, like the nose, were cut out using scissors. But this design simply demonstrates how the user is able to enclose themselves in order to resist this environment; it is unable to demonstrate the underlying consequence. Later, I planned to cover the entire head with white bandages as the primary material. However, the outcome is the same as the previous one. Consequently, using five distinct colors is the ultimate enhancement to using cellophane, a translucent material, in reference to the color features of chameleons.
Visual Influences, Art and Design Movement
The colorful mask colors represent several emotions displayed to the outside world as a false appearance to replace themselves, hiding in the crowd. Five pieces of cellophane show different external conditions, but also their skin, which is a part of the body, through one mask, to form their protective color.
Whether it is in the workplace or in daily communication, people say things they don't mean, say things they brag about, and say things they are polite about, but they don't tell the truth. In other situations, people talk and act in this way, and only when they return home will they remove their invisible masks and show their true colors. Disguise yourself and hide in the crowd so you won't get hurt. Like a chameleon, it changes its skin color according to danger.
Idea formation
medium shoot and close-up
making process and materials
Camouflage in the work place

Camouflage in the work place
