For the first time since the magnificent war, people didn't know what to make of the angels. When the god was defeated, these immortal beings simply stopped. They stayed in the same places, standing in the same postures, even if they were burned or stabbed with spears. After a week, the shock wore off, and the people realized that the god's mind was their mind as well.
At first they tried to cut them into pieces and bury them, but after a week even ten men could hardly handle one angel. Saws dulled against the hard skin, knives broke, and the men went mad from overexertion and "sacrilege."
It was decided to preserve the soldiers of God as a reminder of the greatness of mankind. In case of the fifth coming, they were encased in a tungsten cage and left in their places. The flesh-and-blood statues would have stood there forever, if not for one forester. He noticed that the cage, overturned by the bears, had damaged the captive's body, and large blood-red fruits began to appear on the wild apple tree near where the cage stood. If he had known at that second the magnitude of the discovery he was making, oh, if he had known....
Angel prison p.2


Angel prison p.2
