Bahamas' Finest Lawyers: Your Path to Legal Excellence

Company directors owe several duties in the running of their business including a potential duty towards its creditors (such as Department for Inland Revenue), in certain circumstances, under the Bahamas Company’s Act. A helpful ruling from the UK’s High Court demonstrates when such a duty may arise and what this means in practice.The award-winning commercial lawyers at ParrisWhittaker are available to advise on directors’ duties, including the extent of the duty towards creditors.

Commercial litigation lawyers are legal professionals who specialize in handling disputes and legal matters related to business and commercial activities. Mr Siddarth claimed the unit had been unlawfully broken into and entered. He also claimed damages for trespass and theft; and sought an injunction against Oceanview preventing it from entering or removing anything from the unit. He went on to obtain judgment in default.

The personal injury team at ParrisWhittaker regularly acts for those injured in aircraft accidents within The Bahamas jurisdiction, as well as in other jurisdictions where Bahamas-registered aircraft are involved.The expert personal injury lawyers at award-winning firm ParrisWhittaker are experienced in pursuing damages from those responsible for an individual’s injuries.

Navigating the intricate legal landscape of business in the Bahamas requires a trusted partner with deep expertise and a proven track record. Look no further than ParrisWhittaker, your premier Business Law Firm in the Bahamas.
Our team boasts over 70 years of experience, and we're dedicated to helping global and regional businesses succeed in the Bahamas. Our trifold philosophy - Working hard, Working smart, Working to win - underscores our commitment to delivering exceptional legal and advisory services tailored to your unique needs.
The expert personal injury lawyers at award-winning firm ParrisWhittaker are experienced in pursuing damages from those responsible for an individual’s injuries.

Rarely a month goes by without news of plane-related incidents: on 21 August a plane reportedly vanished of the coast of The Bahamas after leaving Florida; and in July, an aircraft crashed off the coast of Eleuthera (no injuries were reported).  In late June, several injured people were rescued after a plane en route to Florida crashed into the sea a few miles north of the Bahamas island of Andros, after purportedly suffering mechanical issues.

When it comes to matters of the heart and home, you need a compassionate and knowledgeable family law attorney by your side. Our experienced legal team specializes in family law, offering you support and expertise during the most sensitive and personal legal issues. Whether you're navigating divorce, child custody disputes, spousal support, or any other family-related matter, we are here to provide you with sound legal advice and dedicated representation.

Legal disputes can be complex and challenging to navigate. Our dedicated litigation attorney is here to guide you through the intricacies of the legal system. With a deep understanding of the law and a strong track record in litigation, we are prepared to advocate for your rights and interests in a wide range of legal matters. Whether you're facing a civil dispute, personal injury case, or any other legal issue, trust us to be your strong legal ally, committed to achieving the best possible outcome for your case.

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