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How to Get Ink Out of a Suede Couch

A suede couch adds a classy and elegant touch to any living room. That's why it's the first choice of many house owners when it comes to buying couches for the living room. But the problem comes when you spill ink on it while writing something sitting on it. Ink is one of the hardest stains to get out from a suede couch if you don't know the correct way to do it. And that's why most of the homeowners get confused. They just throw out the entire couch and replace it with another one. But do you really have to do so? The answer is, NO! In fact, you can get ink out of your suede couch easily with a few simple steps. You just have to-
1. As soon as you see the ink, quickly blot the ink-stained area with a clean, soft cloth or paper towel to absorb the existing liquid and lighten the marks. Avoid rubbing it in, this will make the stain even worse.
2. Brush the ink-stained area with a suede brush or toothbrush. It'll help to remove some of the ink from the suede surface.
3. If the ink stain persists, use a suede eraser and gently rub the stained area in one direction. Avoid applying too much pressure.
4. If the stain is still visible, dampen a soft, clean cloth or a paper towel with some rubbing alcohol and gently dab the stained area, don't rub.
5. Mix white vinegar with clean water (1:1) to prepare a cleaning solution and pour it into a spray bottle. Perform a spot test first in an inconspicuous area to check if it causes any discoloration. If nothing happens, apply it to the stained area.
6. After cleaning, allow your suede couch to dry naturally. Avoid using any heat or direct sunlight to dry it up. This can damage your couch permanently.
Besides these, there are some other methods that you can use. These include baking soda paste, cornstarch, talcum powder, lemon juice or cream of tartar, or a commercial suede cleaner, etc... Wanna know how these work? For a detailed process, please visit https://rytchoice.com/how-to-get-ink-out-of-a-suede-couch/
How to Get Ink Out of a Suede Couch


How to Get Ink Out of a Suede Couch
