Nima Sarwi's profile


My synesthetic self

I created this book as my Bachelor's exam, and now, after all the hard work, I wanted to share some of my favorites here with you. The subject of my Bachelor's project was my three forms of synthesis. Synesthesia is a neurological phenomenon where senses blend, causing one sensation to trigger another involuntarily. This results in unique experiences, like seeing colors for letters or tasting sounds.
One of my synesthetic forms is to see letters, numbers, and words in color. The second form is having linked connections between human attributes and letters, numbers, and words. And the third one is to see every group and element in a specific form, for example, I see the months of a year as separate blocks, standing side by side, and they get smaller the further ahead they are. So the month of December is the smallest of them all.

To help understand this a bit better, here's an example:
The number 1 has for me the color red she is a female and is placed on the second step of a staircase, which I see from the side.
I created these abstract illustrations based on my own synesthesias to let other none-synesthetics have a view of my world and see how I see the world. The images below show some of my favorite pages of my book. I hope you like it.
Thanks for watching, and feel free to follow me on Instagram​​​​​​​


