2023 Hengshan Calligraphy Biennial | Key Visual Design

2023 橫山書藝雙年展 | 展覽主視覺設計
2023 Hengshan Calligraphy Biennial | Key Visual Design

ERA OF PRINCIPLE AND NO PRINCIPLE - Interwoven-Calligraphy as a Visual Form

桃園市立美術館舉辦首屆橫山書藝雙年展 「法與無法交織的年代-書法作為一種視覺形式」,聚焦書法在當代藝術 中的影響和發展,試圖激發當代書藝的新動能。本展邀請東海大學美術系助理教授吳超然擔任策展人,偕同橫山書法藝術館陳俋佐督導擔任機構策展人,企圖以不同角度思考書法藝術,並深度討論、剖析書藝於現當代藝術發展中的定位。

Taoyuan Museum Of Fine Arts is hosting the Hengshan Calligraphy Biennial, titled "ERA OF PRINCIPLE AND NO PRINCIPLE - Interwoven-Calligraphy as a Visual Form" The exhibition focuses on the influence and development of calligraphy in contemporary art, aiming to ignite new dynamics in contemporary calligraphy. The exhibition invites Assistant Professor Wu Chao Jen from the Department of Fine Arts at Tunghai University as the curator, together with Chen I Tso, the supervisor of Hengshan Calligraphy Art Center, serving as the institutional curator. They intend to explore calligraphy art from different perspectives and engage in in-depth discussions and analyses regarding the positioning of calligraphy in contemporary art development.
The main visual design features the intertwining of calligraphic brushstrokes and large areas of color blocks, creating visual contrasts and impacts. The vigorous and unrestrained brushstrokes symbolize the vitality of contemporary calligraphy, accompanied by vivid peach-colored blocks representing the diversity and progress of new creations, enriching the audience's imagination of the future of calligraphy. Through the use of white space, intense peachy red hues, and the interplay of black ink, a visually compelling composition is created, marking the opening of the annual exhibition at the Hengshan Calligraphy Art Center.

2023 橫山書藝雙年展 | 展覽主視覺設計
2023 Hengshan Calligraphy Biennial | Key Visual Design

主辦單位|桃園市立美術館 、 橫山書法藝術館 Hengshan Calligraphy Art Center
展場規劃設計| 大中設計
主視覺設計團隊| StudioPros Design 優仕創意
設計總監 | 李宜軒 Yi-Hsuan Li
主視覺設計 | 李宜軒 Yi-Hsuan Li
主視覺書法題字 |陳俋佐 Chen I Tso
展覽視覺設計 | 李宜軒 Yi-Hsuan Li /林祐新 Pomelo Lin
展冊設計 | 李宜軒 Yi-Hsuan Li / 朱冠丞 Zhu Guan

Designed by StudioPros
To know more about details please click here

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2023 Hengshan Calligraphy Biennial | Key Visual Design

2023 Hengshan Calligraphy Biennial | Key Visual Design

《 2023 橫山書藝雙年展 Hengshan Calligraphy Biennial 》 法與無法交織的年代-書法作為一種視覺形式 ERA OF PRINCIPLE AND NO PRINCIPLE - Interwoven-Calligraphy as a Visual Form Read More
