Project type: Graduation project
Timeline: 2023
Status: Concept
Architect: Sarychev Maxim
Consultant: Remarchuk Sergey Mikhailovich


The problem of global warming and the melting of glaciers with methane emissions seriously harm not only the environment, but also complicate the exploration of the Arctic. To solve these problems, scientific complexes are being created to study and find solutions to these problems.

The object is located in the Arctic zone in the Barents Sea, the location of the complex is justified by the possibility of conducting underwater research and collecting data from other drifting stations.
The main feature of the object is its environmental friendliness in energy production, the object is powered by geothermal sources, solar energy, energy produced by titanium plates of the facade, hydropower. The possibility of replacing geothermal energy with nuclear energy is assumed, by creating a reactor in the basement of the facility.
The complex is installed on a concrete monolithic support, additional blocks do not have a support, but have a rigid docking system. The object is assembled at the installation site, additional blocks are assembled at the factory and delivered whole to the complex. First of all, a monolithic support is cast, according to the technology of installing bridge supports and oil rigs. After that, parts of titanium-vacuum blocks, ceilings with partitions and a metal frame are delivered on ships. The object is modular and must be assembled during the summer period, within 2-3 months, before the onset of frost.
In the event of high tides, a hydraulic system is installed on the support, which allows you to raise and lower the object by 2 meters. The peculiarity of installing the main complex on a support allows it to be expanded with the help of additional modules, depending on the needs of research.

The objects are lined with a titanium kinetic facade, and the walls are hollow titanium modules inside, which allows to reduce the maximum heat loss, and also in case of damage to the skin, water did not immediately get inside. Inside, CLT panels are used, since their properties are quite reliable, they burn longer, withstand high loads. The kinetic facade is able to accumulate energy and return it to the object, this technology was developed at the University of Stuttgard. Plates under pressure are deformed and absorb energy on the principle of windmills. Solar panels are located on the roof and in case of bad weather, these plates are closed and prevent damage to the panels or titanium modules.

The modules are docked along a transition, assembled by analogy with a corrugated one, only titanium is used in the design, titanium is chosen as the main material of the entire complex, because it does not lend itself to corrosion, and is also 3 times stronger than carbon fiber. For greater stability, the blocks are additionally fixed with a retractable design. 

The roof of the complex is also deepened inside, this is done in order to accumulate water after rain and snow, they roll down to the base of the dome, where heating elements are located that melt the snow and send it to the base of the complex, where it is processed into drinking water.
The shape of the complex and additional docking blocks was created based on the aggressiveness of the environment, since the objects are located on the water, it was necessary to take into account strong winds, storms, snowfalls and other bad weather that will affect the functioning of the facade. Therefore, an octagonal shape was chosen for the complex so that wind loads do not strongly resist the facade. For additional blocks, forms were selected based on the functionality of each block and also taking into account the environment and impacts on objects.

The peculiarity of installing the main complex on a support allows it to be expanded with the help of additional modules, depending on the needs of research.
The planning solution of the object is a combination of public, residential and scientific premises. On the 1st floor there are premises for maintenance of the complex, server rooms, unloading and warehouses, as well as the entrance to the winter garden.
On the 2nd floor there are living rooms and the main public premises for the leisure and recreation of the staff.
There are also residential premises on the 3rd floor, but this floor is given over to scientific rooms and laboratories.
The idea of arranging a winter garden and living rooms allows creating a space for staff recreation and a sense of leisure and comfort of life on land. In this space, people can gather and celebrate holidays, or just relax. This garden is fed, just from the water that is washed on the roof and sent to the base of the complex. Each additional block has its own function, there are 3 of them, greenhouse, scientific and residential. Greens are grown in the greenhouse, they live in the residential area, and research is carried out in the scientific one.
The cost of the facility amounted to 1.500 billion rubles, which is an incredibly low and far from the truth indicator, the average price of a similar station is from 100-150 million euros, which, translated into rubles, is 7-12 billion rubles. Such a scatter is due to the fact that it is not possible to carry out a full resource calculation within the framework of educational work.


