Netflix/ Black Mirror / Başka Ülkede Yaşayamam

Netflix / Black Mirror / 6th Season Campaign / I Can't Live In Any Other Country
B  R  I  E  F  :
We were expected to create a campaign for the long awaited new season of Black Mirror.

I  D  E  A  :
We had the idea to bring together real events that make us say “I can’t live in any other country” and 
the Black Mirror universe.

S  O  L  U  T  I  O  N  :
We created our own Black Mirror universe with news headlines describing tragicomical events from our country.

He searched for himself for hours in search and rescue efforts.

- He robbed the prison he entered for robbery.
- The flying couch crashed into the building.
- The fish was hit by a car.
- He ate his wife's dowry.
-The cow fell onto the okey table.
- He was hit by the plane while he was walking down the road.
- The hound shot the hunter.
- She didn't let firefighters into the house with shoes.
- He trashed the car parked in front of his house.
F  I  R  S  T     D  R  A  F  T  S  :

O  U  T  D  O  O  R  S  :

C A M P A I G N   V I D E O  :
Client: Netflix 
Advertising Agency: Senfonico 
Creative Director: Canmert Koral
Creative Grouphed: Dila Tapan
Copy-Writer: Özlem Öztunç, Burak Çolak, Beren Gırbalar, Birgül Maya Kılıç
Art Director: Zahit Yavuz, Mesut Yılmaz, Cansu Özgüreli, Bayça Kayan
Motion Designer: Fırat Yaşar, Mustafa Köse
Project Manager: Berrak Deniz Güven, Nester İlkat
Netflix/ Black Mirror / Başka Ülkede Yaşayamam