Laiba Rana's profile

Final Year Project(OCD awareness campaign)


Topic Name: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (O.C.D)
Campaign Objective: Accept your Imperfection

What is OCD: 
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a mental health condition characterized by the presence of obsessions and/or compulsions that cause significant distress and interfere with daily functioning.
Obsessions are intrusive, unwanted thoughts, urges, or images that repeatedly occur in a person's mind.
Compulsions, on the other hand, are repetitive behaviors or mental acts that individuals with OCD feel compelled to perform in response to their obsessions. These compulsions are aimed at reducing anxiety, preventing harm, or neutralizing the perceived threat.

My research: 
My final year project aims to raise awareness about Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and promote self-acceptance of imperfection. Through extensive research, I have observed a lack of understanding among the general public regarding the nature of OCD. Therefore, my objective is to educate people about the disorder and dispel misconceptions associated with it.

To achieve this, I have developed my thesis campaign that utilizes visually appealing elements such as vibrant colors, digital paintings, and relatable daily life objects. Each color and object used in my posters has been carefully selected to create a connection with the audience. Additionally, typography plays a significant role in conveying my message effectively.

The central theme of my campaign revolves around the repetitive thoughts and behaviors that individuals with OCD experience, highlighting the impact on their daily lives. I emphasize the need for self-acceptance and embracing imperfections. By doing so, I hope to inspire individuals to develop a positive mindset and understand that imperfections are a natural part of being human.

Through my project, I aim to empower individuals to recognize the difference between occasional repetitive thoughts and clinically significant OCD symptoms

By providing accurate information and fostering self-acceptance, I believe we can reduce the stigma associated with OCD and encourage individuals to seek appropriate help if needed.

The first poster in my campaign depicts how obsessions and compulsions impact a person's daily life. Using colors, I symbolize various thoughts. A girl is shown standing and gazing at an incomplete circle, representing the society around her and her tangled thoughts. I also include elements related to her everyday life in the poster. The message conveyed is that intrusive thoughts and compulsions can immobilize a person.
Butterfly Effects of Thoughts: 
The second poster in my campaign focuses on how thoughts can impact an individual's personality. The color scheme remains consistent throughout the series to represent different problematic thoughts. In this particular poster, I depict a half-face portrait that appears broken, with butterflies symbolizing change. The background consists of colorful abstract lines representing the thoughts. By incorporating butterflies, which symbolize change and hope in art, I convey the message that thoughts can affect and break one's personality, but there is still hope for personal transformation. The message of this poster is: "The Butterfly Effects of Thoughts can lead to significant changes in personality."
Break The Cycle of Obsession: 
The third poster in my campaign emphasizes the importance of freeing oneself from obsessions and improving mental health. The poster features a girl who is depicted as being gripped by her obsessions. The central message conveyed is the need to break free from this cycle of obsession. By taking steps towards self-improvement, individuals can overcome their obsessions and improve their mental well-being.
Accept Your Imperfections: 
The fourth poster in my campaign encompasses the main message of the entire campaign: "Accept your imperfections." The poster portrays a girl with a half-broken personality, depicted holding herself. Inside her mind, there is a figure of the same girl sitting. The background consists of abstract lines and colors that relate to her obsessions and compulsions. The poster signifies that only the girl herself can overcome these challenges by accepting her imperfections.

Final Year Project(OCD awareness campaign)


Final Year Project(OCD awareness campaign)
