Méetodos is a company that specializes in imparting self awareness workshops. The complexity of each session depends on the public that it's given to. The activities vary and can go from simple tasks and examples given to raise basic psychological awareness for staff working on government nursing homes, to more elaborated and deep workshops planned for self awareness junkies of all ages. 

The branding aims to provide a sense of peace, spirituality and clarity. The main graphic element used is one composed of various circles. This refers to the company's conviction that all paths lead to the same goal: Growing and getting to better know ourselves throughout life's journey. Circles remind us of Venn Diagram's concept: Each self help method might look or express in a different way, but all point to the same direction when understood rightly: Ourselves. Our growth. 

Worked on: Branding, Web design, web development, social media manager

Méetodos Workshops

Méetodos Workshops
